:: Lucaioncatar ~ The Song of Lucaion ::

Cosmos     Earthly     Heavenly     Underworld     Ocean     Lucaion     Afer

Lucaioncatar             Tiarzecatar             Daiarzan             Ferxao


The closing episode of the song closely mirrors the opening episode in part one. Afer expresses joy that there are now planets in the sky, while Ana calls out for Atlai to send down Lucaion as she is the only major Cosmic Power who hasn't experienced his love. He descends, they meet upon the Waters of the Middle Place. Lucaion briefly recounts his adventures, and states there is no lovelier sight in the Fernal Cosmos than Ana's naked body.

Ana and Lucaion lay together for 'eight nights awake', after which Ana gives Lucaion the new name Minfer ('Original Nature') and invites him to sit with her and sing the Thirteen Songs, animating the Fernal Cosmos. Thus, the Song of Lucaion serves as a prelude to the cycle of Fernal Creation as told in the Thirteen Songs.

Afer spoke a blessed word,
Primal Woman spoke a lightfold leaf:
Upon my third eye, upon my head
The Fundament of Heaven,
There is movement and stars shine
There are now stars that move,
There are now Wanderers

Ana gave voice to her innermost desires,
Woman of Earth spoke a lightfold leaf:
Atlai, upon your crown, within your mind,
The Garden of Heaven,
Send down the Fisher of the Stars,
I would make my stars move,
I would make my body wander

Atlai, man of Heaven, eight-night lover,
Man of Heaven spoke a lightfold leaf:
Ana, upon your body, within your vulva,
Beloved of Earth,
I shall send down Lucaion,
he will move your stars,
he will Wander with you

Ana saw the Fisher Lucaion
upon the Waters of the Middle Place,
lithely setting his feet upon the waters.
Ana was enchanted with this youth
and ascended from Earth.

Lucaion, the Sky-Wanderer
Upon the Waters, spoke a blessed word:
Your leaf-formed body is beautiful,
with each step you walk upon these waters
the Fundament of Earth grows fertile,
you are Ana, Woman of Earth,
who has come to move the stars

Ana, pleased with the youth's talented eye,
Upon the Waters, spoke a lightfold leaf:
Your star-voyaged lightfold body
I will now return to Earth,
Your cosmos-travelled living body,
I shall make our stars move,
I shall make our bodies wander

Lucaion, delighting in the fine sight of
the Woman of Earth's body, spoke a lightfold leaf:
I have travelled the expanse of the sky,
I have made the stars move,
I have made the stars wander,
All that I have seen of the Fernal Cosmos,
None is so fine as your naked body

Ana saw the Fisher Lucaion,
fixed him with her sexual eye,
lay with him for eight nights awake.
Ana was enchanted with this youth;
they made Thirteen Songs of Creation

Ana, Woman of Earth, eight-night-lover
of the Light of the World, spoke a blessed word:
Lucaion, my human soul,
sit with me and sing them,
the Thirteen Songs that animate
the eight corners of the Fernal Cosmos,
the eight corners of the Garden of Fernal Delights

Ana, the Cosmic Centre,
Woman of Earth spoke a lightfold leaf:
Lucaion, my eternal song,
be called Minfer and sing them,
the Thirteen Songs that animate
our bright eyes, our fine hearts,
become Minfer and sing them with me

Lucaion, the Cosmic Singer of Fernal Animation,
became self-aware, spoke a lightfold leaf:
Ana, my eternal soul,
let us sing them with great delight,
the Thirteen Songs that animate
the eight corners of the Fernal Cosmos,
the eight corners of the Garden of Fernal Delights

Ana sees the Fisher Lucaion,
sits and sings with him with great warmth,
resting upon the Waters of the Middle Place,
animating the stars that move,
animating the stars that wander...




(Lucaion closely mirrors Atlai
in Part One here)





(And so the 'Thirteen Songs' which take
place before the action in 'Lucaion'
follow this song because Ana and
Lucaion now sit down to sing them...)

Minfer - "Pristine Source"
Ana gives Lucaion a new name, just as
Atlai did to his living ship in Part One


Now read Tiarzecatar 'The Thirteen Songs' !!


Copyright (c) 2002-2023 Bruce Rimell : All images, artwork, and words on this site
are copyrighted to Bruce Rimell and may not be reproduced in any form unless stated otherwise.