:: DNA Whistlers ::

MilkyWay    BornAgain    BullRoarer    DNAWhistlers    Dogstar    Dancer    Paradise    Mask

:: 2007 :: 42cm x 59cm :: Inks and Markers on Card ::

Inspired by a friend's dream report which ended with her waking up with the phrase "It's time to become strange - snake - skin: DNA Whistlers" in her mind. That phrase really struck me as bringing up something deeply archetypal about the relationship between DNA, serpents and healing as elucidated by Jeremy Narby in his book 'The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge' and as I considered the phrase more, a caduceus form evolved in my mind. The two serpentoid forms are intertwined suggestive of the structure of DNA and the DNA motif continues with the helix of the inner arms down the centre of the piece, as well as the 'whistles' fused to the faces of the beings. On the hands are representations of the two main forms of evolution: vertical transmision (down generations of organisms) and horizontal transmission (between organisms of the same or similar generations, though not necessarily of the same species). Thanks to Izla for allowing me to share her vision. The first in the DNA Series of works.

DNA Whistlers


Copyright (c) 2002-2023 Bruce Rimell : All images, artwork, and words on this site
are copyrighted to Bruce Rimell and may not be reproduced in any form unless stated otherwise.